Friday, February 8, 2019

Grade 1 Paint Explorations

Through the exploration of the viscous, fluid qualities of tempera paint, 1st graders learned how they could create a variety of lines and brushstrokes with their paintbrushes, as well as how they might mix a variety of colors using the primary and secondary colors. They started by looking at “The Mellow Pad” by American painter, Stuart Davis. After identifying a variety of lines they know (long, short, wavy, zig zag, etc.), students considered how they might make their own compositions using various black lines. 

After composing their abstract paintings in black line, they spent the following classes learning about color and how they might match and combine specific colors to make new colors inside their black line shapes. 

Finally, students learned about contemporary artist Elizabeth Murray and considered how they might use lines in a variety of colors to create contrasting patterns on top of the existing shapes.
Please enjoy these beautiful abstract paintings by our First Grade Artists!
Audrey, 1 Sharkey

Joey, 1 Sharkey

Mei, 1 Red

Yamiley, 1 Red

Benjamin, 1 Red

Rafael, 1 Red

Clara, 1 Red

Saniya, 1 Andrade

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